
So I decided to change how I was going to use the Sacramento Craft Collective.

1. The etsy account will no longer be used for selling my stuff. It will be used for creating treasuries of craft made by people in Sacramento. I'll set up a new etsy for myself.

2. I want to start a monthly meet up, much like the Sac Craft Mafia had but not so much about the business stuff. It's more about making the contacts so that ideas and information can be exchanged.

3. Suggestions: Where would be a good place and what would be a good day/time?

4. This Blog- It won't belong to one person. I'd like to be able to get contributors who want to share some info about craft fairs, meet ups and other craft minded topics. I'd love for this blog to become the sort of a giant bulletin board for crafty happenings in Sac. ( A lofty goal, I know.)

Want to be contributor, lemme know!


  1. Well if it is a small group to start I can volunteer my living. :) I would offer the yard, but it needs a lot of work before it is presentable. :P

  2. Thanks pegasus. I was thinking of a more public venue....any ideas?

  3. What a wonderful idea! Thanks for letting me know! I'd love to be a part of the collective! I'm most likely having a baby this week- hopefully I can attend a meet-up once the bun is outta the oven!

    YAY Sac Craft Collective!!

  4. I've just started dyeing yarn for sock knitters. Is that crafty enough to be part of this group? If so, I'd like to join. :-)
